International Journal of Advanced Research in Multidisciplinary Sciences eISSN 2581-8996
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<p>International Journal of Advanced Research in Multidisciplinary Sciences adopts a holistic approach to find ranking and relative importance of academic journals. The main objective is to help researcher’s select appropriate journal while submitting research paper and publish in most reputed journal available with us. This is a complete automated process and there is less chance for any error or manipulation.</p> <p>International Journal of Advanced Research in Multidisciplinary Sciences helps the researchers FREE OF COST by providing right direction in their research with the help of its worldwide research association members.</p> <p>Website:<strong></strong></p> <p>Email: <strong></strong></p> <p> </p> <h5 class="elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default"><a title="IJARMS HOME" href="">IJARMS Home</a></h5> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section>Dr Arvind Kumar Shukla, Assistant Professor & HOD Department of Political Science, Government Girls P.G. College, Bindki, Fatehpur (U.P.) India 212635 Mobile- +91- 9236807279en-US International Journal of Advanced Research in Multidisciplinary Sciences eISSN 2581-8996 2581-8996<p>*</p>Are men more aware of the use of photovoltaic solar energy in Algeria than women? Gender based inquiry to fight climate change
<p>This study aims to assess the impact of the men on the awareness toward the use of PV solar energy in Algeria. This type of research examines the awareness and knowledge of consumers with the ecological concerns and fighting climate change by reducing CO2 generated by the use of conventional energy. The method explored in this paper is quantitative through an online and face-to-face survey conducted between March, 2022 and May 2023. It should be outlined that respondents should live in land houses which are more accurate for installing photovoltaic solar energy. In addition to that, the respondents should have an income in order to cover the cost of photovoltaic solar kit. Then, the results were analyzed through SPSS software V26 by exploring the two sample t-test.</p> <p>It has been demonstrated that the LEVENE test is superior to the significant level (p value: 0.855 > 0.05), which means that the variances are homogeneous. The results indicate that the independence between the awareness toward the use of PV solar energy and the gender of respondents is ensured (sig t-test: 0.781), it assumes that both men, and women from the participants are aware to use the photovoltaic solar energy.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Consumer behavior- Green marketing- Photovoltaic solar energy- two sample t-test-Algeria - SPSS.</p>Dr. Chems Eddine Boukhedimi1
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2025-01-282025-01-2880118The Ripple Effect: How Climate Change Threatens Water Security Worldwide
<p> As the world grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, one of the most pressing and far-reaching consequences is the threat to water security. Water is not just a basic human need; it is the lifeblood of ecosystems, agriculture, and economies. Yet, rising temperatures, shifting precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events are creating a ripple effect that jeopardizes freshwater sources across the globe. This paper explains how the climate change disrupts the delicate balance of our water systems, leading to droughts, floods, and contamination that disproportionately affect vulnerable communities. From the arid plains of sub-Saharan Africa to the bustling cities facing rising sea levels, we uncover the intricate connections between a warming planet and the water crises that follow, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable solutions to secure our most vital resource for generations to come. Collaborative efforts are needed to mitigate the effects of this critical issue.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Climate change, Collaborative efforts, Precipitation patterns, Sustainable solutions, Water security.<br><br></p>Anushka Chhonkar1 & Sharad Rai2
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2025-01-282025-01-28801918Issues and Impacts of the Climate Changes in India: Adaptation Strategies and the Future Plans
<p> The world is becoming increasingly concerned about climate change, and India is especially susceptible because of its large population, diversified ecosystems, and growing economy. <br><a href="">'Climate change moving faster than we are'</a>. So, it has become the planet's greatest developmental problem. Its effects on the economy, in particular make it a significant concern for government as well as the impoverished. In this article, provide a comprehensive analysis of the major issues related to climate change in India, focusing on its impact on human health, plant growth, and the economy. We also discuss the present policies and regulations implemented by the government of India and the future plans aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Greenhouse gases (GHGs), Human development indicator (HDI), National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)</p>Akanksha Singh1
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2025-01-282025-01-288011926छत्तीसगढ़ के तीज-त्यौहार में पर्यावरण के सीख
<p>भारत गांवों का देश है। यहॉ की संस्कृति गांव के जन मानस में गहराई से व्याप्त है। मिट्टी की सोंधी महक गांव के संस्कृति में विराजमान है और संस्कृति को प्रवाहमान बनाने में लोक पर्व और त्यौहार की बड़ा महत्व है। ये जीवन के साथ-साथ संस्कृति को जीवन्त और अजर-अमर बनाने में इसकी महती भूमिका है। त्यौहार के आयोजन का उद्देश्य के पीछे की जो भावना है वो हमारी संस्कृति की परम्परा को लगातार पोषित व भावी पीढ़ी के हस्तांतरण में भूमिका का निर्वाह करती है। त्यौहार की दृष्टि से छत्तीसगढ़ में वर्ष के बारह माह में कोई न कोई त्यौहार व पर्व का आयोजन होते रहता है, जो यहॉं की संस्कृति को जीवंत, पर्यावरण की सम्मान और सांस्कृतिक भावना को उल्लासित करती है।<br>बीज शब्द- छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य, तीज-त्यौहार, पर्यावरण, सीखना।</p>मन्ना राम पटेल1
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2025-01-282025-01-288012731Climate Change and Human& Environmental Health Climate
<p>Physical activities plays very important role in the development of an individual's health but these physical activities are affected by climatic conditions also. If we ignored climatic conditions at the time of workout then it gives negative effect to our heath. The Olympic Games have drawn attention to a number of environmental influences on sports performance. During the time of the Summer Olympics it is usually hot and/or humid. On the other hand, the Winter Olympics invariably call for protection against the cold. During training coaches should monitor their athletes carefully for signs of heat intolerance or cooling conditions. Risks should not be taken with them in hot, humid or extremely cool conditions. Exercising in hot, humid conditions when the body is not accustomed to it can place the body under great stress. Athletes travelling overseas or to different climates should consider heat acclimatization an important preparation strategy.</p> <p>Keywords- Climate Change, Human, Environmental Health</p>Renu Mourya1
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2025-01-282025-01-288013234Green House Gas Emissions In India – Statistics, Facts And Control Strategies
<p>Greenhouse gases (GHGs) are gases in the Earth’s atmosphere that trap heat, contributing to the <strong>greenhouse effect</strong>, which is essential for keeping the planet warm enough to support life. However, human activities have significantly increased the concentration of these gases, leading to <strong>global warming</strong> and <strong>climate change</strong>. India is the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHGs) globally, contributing about <strong>7%</strong> of the world's total emissions, primarily due to its reliance on fossil fuels for energy and its large agricultural sector.</p> <p> However, the country has been proactive in implementing policies and making international commitments to mitigate its emissions while balancing development needs. While challenges like coal dependency and financial constraints remain, India’s proactive strategies and growing investments in green technologies reflect its commitment to tackling climate change.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Green house gases, climate change, policies etc</p>Dilpreet Kaur1
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2025-01-282025-01-288013543Creative Writing: Definition, Types and Examples
<p>Creative writing is a dynamic and expressive form of communication that enables writers to convey their thoughts, emotions, and experiences through imaginative storytelling. This art form encompasses various genres, including fiction, poetry, drama, and creative nonfiction. Through creative writing, authors can experiment with language, structure, and narrative techniques to craft unique and engaging works. By tapping into their imagination and creativity, writers can produce original and thought-provoking pieces that resonate with readers and inspire new perspectives. Creative writing can technically be considered any writing of original composition. In this sense, creative writing is a more contemporary and process-oriented name for what has been traditionally called literature, including the variety of its genres. In her work, Foundations of Creativity, Mary Lee Marksberry references Paul Witty and Lou LaBrant's Teaching the People's Language to define creative writing.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> creative writing, imagination, storytelling, literary genres, self-expression, perspectives, technically, contemporary, traditionally, genres</p>Prof. Sanjay Prasad Sharma1
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2025-01-282025-01-288014454Evaluation Of Statistical Zero Inflated Single Sampling Plan Using Fuzzy Logic
<p>Acceptance Sampling is a statistical technique used to determine the quality of a batch or lot of products by inspecting a random sample and ensuring products meets quality standards while minimizing inspecting costs. In a well-monitored manufacturing environment, non-conformities occur infrequently, resulting in many instances with zero non-conformities. Under such circumstances, the appropriate probability distribution for the number of non-conformities is a Zero-Inflated Poisson distribution. This paper describes in designing Single Sampling Plans by attributes when the number of non-conformities per product follows the Zero-Inflated Poisson distribution [ZIPD]. The design methodology focuses on the performance measures and OC curves are also provided. This paper focuses on designing of ZIPD using fuzzy logic theory and highlighting its efficiency with existing plans.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Fuzzy Logic, OC Curve, Poisson distribution, SSP, Uncertainty, ZIPD.</p>Uma G1, Ramya S.R2, Nandhitha S3
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2025-01-282025-01-288015564Natural Disaster And Human Development
<p>Natural disasters like earthquakes, drought, flood etc have severe impact on human population as well as our environment. The day by day increase in these disasters is due to the climate change which is due to human activities. After viewing the recent trends it's observed that the major effects of disasters were on human that included displacement of community, increase in mortality rate as well as damage of the infrastructure and community. The countries having low income were more severely affected. Major causes of occurs of natural disasters include plate tectonics , climate change, weather pattern and human activities. Among these all causes, only human activities are under control of human. Human activities like deforestation, pollution etc are leading to deterioration of environment and occurrence of natural disasters too. All of these leading to human loss, economic loss, as well as environmental damage. Natural Disaster cause displacement, death, injury and harm to life of humans . Occurrence of natural disasters lead to damage of buildings as well as infrastructure indirectly economic loss. The environmental damage caused leads to habitat destruction as well as loss of biodiversity. Several mitigation strategies were made in order to reduce or cope up from natural disasters. These strategies were divided in three parts which are Pre, During and Post disasters solutions. Many technological as well as Innovative solutions were also made all which lead to reduction of natural disasters to an extent leading to development of society and humans. Due to the issues created by natural disasters, many opportunities were made for human development including development of Innovative ideas, rebuilding of society recovery as well as making of adaptation strategies and many more.</p> <p><strong>Key words- </strong>Natural Disaster, Rebuilding, Adaptation, Mitigation, Human development.</p>Dr. Parul Mishra
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2025-01-312025-01-318017572Impact Of Environmental Regulations On Corporate Sustainability In India
<p>In the present business environment, CSR (Corporate Social Obligation) contemplations are fundamental. Huge enterprises really should incorporate CSR drives into their day to day activities. Size, industry, partner assumptions, past CSR commitment, innovative work endeavors, and work economic situations are a portion of the variables that influence how each organization decides to execute CSR. Organizations can work on their picture as moral, cutthroat organizations by carrying out CSR endeavors, which might have positive results. One country that has embraced CSR drives is India, which altered its Organization Act 2013 in April 2014 to make it more helpful for the training. To understand how Indian organizations conceptualize their CSR commitments concerning natural manageability, it is important to lead writing surveys on a worldwide scale. These audits will create new thoughts, issues, and expected arrangements. Because of progression and globalization in the Indian economy, companies never again focus on friendly and monetary government assistance yet rather the increment of investor esteem to the detriment of any remaining partners. The objectives of this survey are to incorporate information on natural maintainability rehearses executed by picked Indian organizations, to decide the degree to which firms grasp legal CSR necessities, and to think about the CSR practices of these organizations as they relate to ecological supportability. Data for the equivalent came from surveys in Scopus, Web of Science, Emerald, and Wiley. The examinations that were picked for this assessment were those that were peer-explored, distributed in English during the last ten years, and did for organizations that were expected to have a corporate social obligation strategy. Organizations that participate in CSR are the ones that will be contemplated. In light of their corporate social obligation (CSR) drives, the Indian organizations picked for the review seem to have a decent handle of the possibility of ecological maintainability. </p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Corporate Social Responsibility, Companies Act 2013, environmental sustainability, liberalization and globalization.</p>Abhay Kumar Singh & Dr. Rajesh Singh
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2025-01-312025-01-318017385A Study of Social Intelligence & Personality of B.Ed. Students of District
<p><em>The present study has focused on the relationship between personality and social intelligence of B.Ed. Students of various institutes in Bareilly District. A hundred students from the defined population have been selected for the B. Ed. course using the randomisation sampling technique. The most appropriate tool used for the study is the <strong>1.</strong> 16 P.F. Questionnaire Hindi Edition developed by Dr S. D. Kapoor (1970). The test consists of 187 items. It includes 16 bipolar factors of personality. <strong>2.</strong> Social Intelligence Scale (SIS) developed by N. K. Chadha and Usha Ganesan (1986). The test consists of 66 items divided into five parts, measuring eight dimensions of social intelligence. The study concludes that Social Intelligence positively correlates with Personality Factors A, B, I, N, O, Q1, Q3, and Q4. Conversely, it negatively correlates with Personality Factors C, E, F, G, H, L, M, and Q2. However, only the correlation values for factors B, F, I, and Q4 are significant among B.Ed. Students. Specifically, the findings suggest that Personality Factors B, F, I, and Q4 are interrelated with Social Intelligence in this population of students.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong></em><em>Social Intelligence, Personality, Undergraduate students.</em></p>Mohini Singh Vishen & Prof. Dr. Anita Singh
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2025-01-312025-01-318018690महिलाओ के अधिकार के बारे मे डॉ. बाबासाहब अंबेडकर के विचार
<p>वर्तमान में डॉ. बाबासाहेल अंबेडकर की बहुमुखी राष्ट्रीय प्रतिमा को न केवल भारत में बल्कि विश्व स्तर पर भी जाना जाता है। भारत देश के विकास में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है और उतना ही महत्वपूर्ण है लेकिन अनदेखा योगदान विभिन्न मानवाधिकारों से संबंधित है। जिसमें दबे हुए, कचड़े हुए, शोषितों, वंचित,पीड़ित के साथ-साथ महिलाएं भी शामिल थी। आज जब जातिवाद आरक्षण के मुद्दे पर आंबेडकर को अलग तरीके से देखा जाता है, जिसमें महिलाएं भी शामिल हैं। इस के पीछे एक महत्वपूर्ण कारण सीधे तौर पर वे डॉ. बाबासाहब के योगदान को जानती नहीं है। उनके लिए डॉ. बाबासाहब ने स्वतंत्र भारत के पहले कानून मंत्री के पद से इस्तीफा दे दिया। इसका कारण हिंदू कोड का पारित न होना था, जो भारत की महिलाओं को विशेषाधिकार प्रदान करता था। जिसके माध्यम से महिलाएं अधिकार प्राप्त करने की पात्र बनीं, डॉ. अंबेडकर का मानना था कि लोकतंत्र तभी सफल होगा जब महिलाओं को उनके पिता की संपत्ति में हिस्सा दिया जाएगा। महिलाओं की उन्नति तभी होगी जब परिवार समाज में फिर से महिलाए समानता का दर्जा हासिल कर लेगी। जिसमें शिक्षा एवं आर्थिक प्रगति से उन्हें इस काम में मदद मिलेगी। डॉ. बाबासाहब ने संविधान में महिलाओं को प्राथमिकता देते हुए समाज में महिलाओं को जागरूक कर उनको सम्मानजनक दर्जा मिलता है। <br>बीज शब्द- माहिलाओ के अधिकार, हिन्दू कोड बील, संविधानिक अधिकार, माहिलाओ का विकास</p>गिरधर एल0 राठोड एवं डॉ. भरत एम0 खेर
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2025-01-312025-01-318019196उदारवाद, समकालीन उदारवाद व पश्चिमी उदारवाद
<p>उदारवाद एक राजनीतिक और दार्शनिक विचारधारा है, जो स्वतंत्रता, समानता, मानवाधिकार और लोकतंत्र के सिद्धांतों पर आधारित है। इसका मूल उद्देश्य व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को संरक्षित करना और सरकार की शक्ति को सीमित करना है। पश्चिमी उदारवाद विशेष रूप से यूरोप और अमेरिका में विकसित हुआ और इसमें व्यक्तिवाद, पूंजीवाद और संवैधानिक सरकार के सिद्धांत सम्मिलित हैं। यह पता चलता है कि उदार समाज एक सामाजिक व्यवस्था पर बहुत अधिक निर्भर करता है, जिसमें मजबूत सहमति से, नागरिक कुछ अधिकार के आधार पर कुछ नैतिक दावों को स्वीकार करते हैं। एक व्यापक ईसाई सामाजिक व्यवस्था - विशेष रूप से वह जो असहमतिपूर्ण प्रोटेस्टेंट से उभरी है - मानदंडों को व्यक्त करने और उन्हें मजबूत करने वाली सांस्कृतिक व्यवस्था के साथ अधिकार समस्या को हल करती है। और एक गहन स्थानीयता ज्ञान की समस्या को हल करती है क्योंकि लोग न केवल सामाजिक और व्यावसायिक जीवन के लिए एक जानने योग्य दुनिया में रहते हैं, बल्कि उन्हें मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए अनुभवों के भंडार के साथ राजनीतिक विचार-विमर्श में संलग्न हो सकते हैं।<br>शब्द कुंजी- उदारवाद, पश्चिमी उदारवाद, समकालीन उदारवाद, स्वतंत्रता, मानवाधिकार, लोकतंत्र और विधि का शासन</p>डा0 अरविन्द कुमार शुक्ल
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2025-01-312025-01-3180197103A Critical Study of Anita Desai’s Novel In Custody
<p>Anita Desai, one of the greatest modern Indian English novelists, is renowned in the entire world. She has incredibly influenced the literary world. This paper aims to make a humble attempt to focus attention upon the thematic concern as it relates itself in the novel <em>In Custody</em>. The paper gives a glimpse of the various characters drawn by the novelist from the Indian society. The male and female characters are very well dealt with. The issue of decline of Urdu language is taken up. The writer has brought forth the ironical post-colonial situation of language. Anita Desai’s art of technique and themes deal with confinement and lack of freedom. This novel depicts a realm of solitude, vacuum and dismay. Desai has deep understanding of human psychology. In this novel she writes about inner psyche and subconscious state of characters. With her powerful writing, Anita Desai has greatly contributed to Indian Writing in English.</p> <p><strong>Key Words: </strong>Decay, Failure, Freedom, Growth, Isolation, Power.</p>Prof. Rani Tiwari
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2025-01-312025-01-31801104108The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Economic Development: Review
<p>Foreign direct investment (FDI) significantly influences the economic growth of developing and emerging economies by promoting capital inflows, technology transfer, job creation, and market expansion. It also stimulates industrial growth, infrastructure improvement, and global market integration. Key channels of FDI's impact include skill development, productivity gains from modern technologies, and expanded access to international markets. Countries with higher FDI inflows experience an average productivity increase of 10% in targeted industries. This study uses a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative analysis with qualitative case studies, to evaluate the dual effects of FDI. It highlights both opportunities and challenges, including potential risks such as dependency on foreign investors, environmental degradation, and economic vulnerabilities from capital flight. The study emphasizes the need for strategic alignment between FDI and national development objectives, with policy recommendations including incentivizing greenfield investments, promoting joint ventures, and implementing robust environmental regulations. This analysis reaffirms that FDI, when strategically leveraged, is a powerful engine for long-term economic development, especially in emerging and developing economies.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Foreign direct investment, economic development, technology transfer, job creation, investment policies.</p>Basiru Usman Sulaiman, Ufwalai Amos Malan, Nenfort Eliezer , MMohammed Raiyanu
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