Mental health is a dynamic functioning of the whole organism. It brings a harmony of movement in
the organism to achieve an end in completeness and fulfillment. Adjustment may be defined as the
process by means of which the individual attempts to maintain physiological and psychological
equilibrium. The individual must adjust to his physical and social environment in order to live happily
and meaningfully which is possible only if an individual is mentally healthy. For safeguarding the mental
health one has to remain alert from the very childhood, because the habits formed during this period,
vitally affect the future life. In this context great responsibility lies on the elders of the family and the
teachers. Psychologists have laid down certain programs which are to be arranged and organized in the
schools, so that proper mental health of the adolescents may be developed.
Parents at home, and teachers in school, should arrange such activities which give children, the
opportunities to express their feeling and emotions. For protecting mental health and adjustment, it is
necessary to make a scientific study of all the problems of an adolescent. Nowadays apart from these
traditional methods and approaches, new technologies are also been used quite frequently. Adolescence
is the most crucial period of life so every care should be taken to keep it healthy and happy not only
physically but most important mentally too. As it is rightly quoted by Noam Shpancer, “Mental
health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.”
Keywords: 1.Mental health 2.Adjustment 3.Adolescent
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