Feminism and Literature: Some Observations With Special Reference to Shashi Despande’s Novels
A close study or evaluation of the origin and evolution of feminism i.e. woman’s voice and agitation against injustice and inequality, seems to unfold the fact that feminism is the result and the outburst of the ages old established socio-cultural structure framed, formed and governed by men to suit and satisfy their needs and interests irrespective of women’s basic interests, needs and happiness. Shashi Deshpande, one of the leading women novelists of India, through her women protagonists seems to raise voice against the male-centred and male-controlled social and domestic structure of conventional Indian cultural system. Her women are tolerant, obedient and submissive at the same time a feminist awakening and upsurge can easily be noted in their feelings and conduct.
Keywords--- Feminism, sexuality, upsurge, conventional, revolt, identity, liberty.
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