Voice Of Revolt, Ache Of Loneliness And Feeling Of Discontentment In Thomas Hardy’s The Return Of The Native
In The Return of the Native, the novelist, Thomas Hardy to exhibit the idea that voice of revolt, ache of loneliness and alienation and feeling of discontentment with what is and yearning for what is not disturb and create ripples in the placid country life of Wessex, the semi-fictional region, through the psyche, sensitivity and sensibility of different characters in the novel. Throughout the story of the novel we perceive that alienation and seclusion form the set social norms lead to loneliness and loneliness lead to the feeling of discontentment that finally encourages a voice of revolt to prove one’s existential and social identity.
Keywords:- Revolt, Loneliness, Discontentment, Isolation, Pessimism, Frustration, Glamour.
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