Effect Of Supplementary Doses Of Luteinizing Hormone And Estradiol On Female Grey Quail, Coturnix-Coturnix
Thirty female birds were segregated from the stock and divided into five groups of six birds each. Birds were injected intramuscularly with two different doses of luteinizing hormone (LH) (0.167mg and 0.334 mg) and estradiol (0.167mg and 0.33 mg) for ten days. It was found that 0.167 mg LH even though stimulated the growth of largest follicle it was not upto any significance where as the same dose of estradiol significantly inhibited body weight and development of follicle of ovary. Treatment with LH and estradiol resulted in the inhibition of pituitary ovary during the reproductive phase of grey-quail.
Key words : Hormone, follicle, estradiol, inhibition.
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