Woman and Well-Being At The Workplace: An Introduction


  • Dr. Shalini


Well-being is a multidimensional construct. Diener, 2009; Michaelson, Abdullah, Stever Thompson and Marks, 2009; Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi, 2009. Bradburn, (1969) has defined well-being as how excess of positive over negative affect. He highlighted how psychological well-being was the variable that stands out as being of primary importance. He referred psychological well-being as happiness many times. His idea of well-being is linked to Aristotle’s idea of as eudaimonia, which is generally translated as well-being. According to Aristotle, eudaimonia is the overarching goal of human behaviors. In the same way Bradburn focuses on the difference between positive and negative effect. According the Bradburn, ‘An individual will be high in psychological well-being  in the degree to which he has an access of positive over negative effect and will be low in well-being in the degree to which negative effect predominated over positive. (Bradburn,9)

Keywords:- Woman and Well-Being, Workplace, Balancing Between Work and Family Life. Gender Sterotypes and  Biases, Discrimination at Workplace.

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How to Cite

Dr. Shalini. Woman and Well-Being At The Workplace: An Introduction. IJARMS [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(1):33-41. Available from: https://journal.ijarms.org/index.php/ijarms/article/view/441


