Psychological Preparation for Sports


  • Dr. Deepali Nigam


Sport psychology is recognized as an interdisciplinary science that draws on knowledge from many related fields including biomechanics, physiology, kinesiology and psychology. It involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors. Sport psychologists teach cognitive and behavioural strategies to athletes in order to improve their experience and performance in sports. In addition to instruction and training of psychological skills for performance improvement, applied sport psychology may include work with athletes, coaches, and parents regarding injury, rehabilitation, communication, team building, and career transitions. Sports performance is determined by a combination of physiological factors, technical skills, tactical insight and state of mind. All four factors are critical to peak performance. With the formation of the Indian Association of Sports Medicine (IASM), we see the first major development of the Indian sports science movement in 1970. Another important milestone for sports psychology in India was seen in 1977, during the seventh annual conference of the IASM, when some delegates from the IASM interested in the psychological aspects of sports came together to establish a group of their own. With this, we see the conception of the Indian Association of Sports Psychology. Over the years, we see the establishment of many more institutes and associations like the Sport Psychology Association of India (SAPI) that is facilitating the development of sports psychology in the country. Performance in sports is no longer dependent on physiological well-being of the athlete. It is clear now that there are numerous psychological factors which affect and improve the physical performance. . The application of psychological concepts to understanding and conditioning behaviour in activity and sport is more a matter of degree than of kind. Psychological training, coping strategies, interventions, mental skills etc., have greater relevance in competitive sport than activity and recreational sport. Sport psychologists teach cognitive and behavioural strategies to athletes in order to improve their experience and performance in sports. In addition to instruction and training of psychological skills for performance improvement, applied sport psychology may include work with athletes, coaches, and parents regarding injury, rehabilitation, communication, team building, and career transitions.

Keywords: Sport psychology, Personality, Learning, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotions, Stress and Anxiety, and Group dynamics.

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How to Cite

Dr. Deepali Nigam. Psychological Preparation for Sports. IJARMS [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6(1):114-9. Available from:


