Issues Of Social Security And Human Development In India
Sustainable human development addresses both inter-generational and intra- enerational equity-enabling all generations, present and future to make the best use of their potential capabilities. The contemporary debate on social security in India overlooked some of the major ices, ie, social security of downtrodden class, social security of the industrial workers, social security of the disabled, social security of child-labour, and social security of aged, social security of women. At present, the downtrodden classes are partially protected against economic decrimination, particularly in the job market, by the reservation policy in government and public sector jobs and services and preferential treatment in various states run programmes, which are in the nature of social se urity measures. India has been widely heralded as a success story for globalisation. Over the two decades the country has moved into the premier league of world economic growth high technology exports are booming and India's emerging middle-class consumers have been a magnet for foreign investors. Infact in India, attempt is being made to create more welfare rights than the nation can afford and expand the scope of the existing ones. All this despite the fact that the public exchequer is under tremendous strain becauese of continued fiscal profligacy of decades. Plic money has been wasted under various pretexts, the most prominent being helping be poor. 's case that there is no poverty in India; indeed, poverty is a reality. It is nobody's The point is that the issue of poverty cannot be tackled by direct state intervention, by poding doles, by formulating and insplementing povety-alleviation schemes to uplift the poor.
Keywords- Globalisation, Human Development Report 2019Issues Of Social Security And Human Development In India.
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