Socio-Legal Rights Of Transgender People In India


  • Dr. Deepali Saxena


This article sheds light on the socio-legal rights of Transgender people in India and analyses the statutory provisions that have not been adequate to protect their rights leading to the violation of their basic fundamental rights. The idea to secure to each citizen of justice equality and unity has been the primary motto of Government. The development of Legal system has been essential in preserving the rights of these communities and the Indian Government's work particularly  in Tamilnadu, is greatly admired. The author also discusses the issues along with the recent developments after the SupremeCourt verdict declared Third Gender Right.

Keywords:- Transgender, Supreme Court, Verdict, Rights,, Primary motto, Recent Development’

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How to Cite

Dr. Deepali Saxena. Socio-Legal Rights Of Transgender People In India. IJARMS [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];6:63-8. Available from: