Using of Management Tools for Efficient Working of Modern Libraries
The library is expected to be the center of knowledge where every reader has the freedom of the mind to think, to discuss and to attain the truth by its intellectual process. Library management is a critical aspect of efficient and effective library operations. It involves the organization, maintenance, and accessibility of library resources, as well as the management of library staff and services. To streamline these complex processes, libraries employ a variety of management tools and techniques. Library Management is focusing on the administration and leadership of libraries, including budgeting, personnel management, and strategic planning. Library management encompasses various activities and tasks aimed at efficiently and effectively operating a library to meet the needs of its users. Effective library management ensures that libraries remain vibrant and essential community resources, adapting to the evolving needs of their users and technological advancements in information access and delivery. In this research paper, I will explore various management tools for library management.
Key words:- Library Management, Financial planning, Resource Organization, Integrated Library Systems (ILS), MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging) , Electronic Resource Management (ERM) Systems, OCLC Connexion, Ex Libris Alma, Koha, Evergreen, Dublin Core, MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), and METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard), TinyCat, Deaccessions, SirsiDynix Acquisitions, Ex Libris Alma, ProQuest 360 Resource Manager, CORAL, CollectionHQ, GreenGlass, EBSCO Discovery Service , RFID, DSpace and Islandora, EPrints, Archivematica, Preservica, Fondant and Submittable,
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