Sports And Climate Environmental Issues


  • Sharad Chandra Rai1


  Sports, a universal phenomenon, offer a platform for individuals and communities to engage in physical activity, build camaraderie, and celebrate human achievement. Yet, this global pastime is not immune to the growing threats posed by climate change and environmental degradation. From the increased frequency of extreme weather events that disrupt competitions to the ecological footprints left by major sporting events, the intersection of sports and environmental issues is increasingly evident. This research paper explores the multifaceted relationships between sports and environmental challenges, examining the impact of climate change on sports, the environmental footprint of sporting events, and the sustainability initiatives that are being adopted to address these issues. By analyzing these themes, the paper seeks to contribute to the broader discourse on sustainability within the sporting industry and highlight the critical role sports can play in environmental advocacy.

Keywords- Climate change, Sports, Climate Environmental Issues, sustainability initiatives, environmental footprint.

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How to Cite

Sharad Chandra Rai1. Sports And Climate Environmental Issues. IJARMS [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];7:129-32. Available from: