A Critical Study of Anita Desai’s Novel In Custody


  • Prof. Rani Tiwari


Anita Desai, one of the greatest modern Indian English novelists, is renowned in the entire world. She has incredibly influenced the literary world. This paper aims to make a humble attempt to focus attention upon the thematic concern as it relates itself in the novel In Custody. The paper gives a glimpse of the various characters drawn by the novelist from the Indian society. The male and female characters are very well dealt with. The issue of decline of Urdu language is taken up. The writer has brought forth the ironical post-colonial situation of language. Anita Desai’s art of technique and themes deal with confinement and lack of freedom. This novel depicts a realm of  solitude, vacuum and dismay. Desai has deep understanding of human psychology. In this novel she writes about inner psyche and subconscious state of characters. With her powerful writing, Anita Desai has greatly contributed to Indian Writing in English.

Key Words: Decay, Failure, Freedom, Growth, Isolation, Power.

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How to Cite

Prof. Rani Tiwari. A Critical Study of Anita Desai’s Novel In Custody. IJARMS [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];8(01):104-8. Available from: https://journal.ijarms.org/index.php/ijarms/article/view/680


