Study of extraction procedures, and analytical methods using nanoLC-MS for the identification and monitoring of polyphenols and their metabolites in biological samples
With the growing interest in the use of metabolomic technologies for a widerange of biological
targets, food applications related to nutrition and quality are rapidly emerging. Metabolomics offers us
the opportunity to gain deeper insights into, and have better control of, the fundamental biochemical
basis of the things we eat. So doing will help us to design modified breeding programmes aimed at better
quality produce; optimised food processing strategies and ultimately, improved (micro)nutrient
bioavailability and bioefficacy.
A better understanding of the pathways responsible for the biosynthesis of nutritionally relevant
metabolites is key to gaining more effective control of the absence/level of presence of such components
in our food. Applications of metabolomic technologies in both applied and fundamental science
strategies are therefore growing rapidly in developing countries in popularity.
Keywords: Phenolic, metabolomics, pharmokokinetics, bioactive, esterification etc.
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