Portrayal of Indu as an Unusual Image of a Suffering Married Indian Woman in Shashi Deshpande’s Novel Roots and Shadows


  • Dr. Sanjay Prasad Sharma


Ever since the dawn of civilization image of woman has been undoubtedly integral to the study of
literature all over the world. Woman has inspired literature and has been its pivotal theme too. She
herself is a creator of literature and therefore a woman’s presence in literature is all pervading. This is
true to Indian English Literature as well. She has been presented as a myth, a metaphor, a symbol, a
deity or a devil. Shashi Deshpande’s novel Roots and Shadows reveals the theme of double standard
practiced openly by man for centuries causing unspeakable misery to married Indian women. But the
greatness of Deshpande in this novel consist in portraying an unusual image of a married woman (Indu)
who, as a sharp reaction to the double moral standard of her husband, begins to practise clandestinely
the double moral standard herself at the physical level including her hidden hunger and aspiration. This
novel, like her the most successful novel, That Long Silence, underscores women’s full autonomy to
live a satisfying life throwing to the winds all the crippling conditions imposed on her by the maleoriented society. Thus, the image of woman painted in Roots and Shadows, in quite challenging.
Keywords:- Portrayal of Indu, an Unusual Image, Suffering Married Indian Woman, Shashi
Deshpande’s Novel, Roots and Shadows.

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How to Cite

Dr. Sanjay Prasad Sharma. Portrayal of Indu as an Unusual Image of a Suffering Married Indian Woman in Shashi Deshpande’s Novel Roots and Shadows. IJARMS [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):103-14. Available from: https://journal.ijarms.org/index.php/ijarms/article/view/91