Youngsters have eagerness and vitality that can turn teaching them a joy. However, to teach them
the ‘The New Testament’, one must know how to enable them to divert their vitality the correct way. It
is imperative to comprehend them and their worries and difficulties. Youth is a more flexible
classification than a settled age-group. Part and role of a teacher in life of youth is fundamental.
An educator is a person who helps other people to procure information, capabilities or qualities.
Educators build up the internal quality of the youth and stimulate in them the aggressiveness with the
end goal that they grab each opportunity as and when it appears. Educators’ endeavour to create in the
youth the quality to battle, confront and survive the basic and negative circumstances of life. This paper
deals with the role of teachers in the shaping of youth.
Keywords- Youth, Teacher, Understanding, Role, Responsibilities etc.
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