Panchayati Raj and Empowerment of Women
At the time of independence ,here was rampant poverty, illiteracy and an underdeveloped economy. To overcome the lacunae inherent in the pattern of our economy and society, Indian constitution makers enunciated the idea of welfare state and government started a number of welfare programs and took measures to make the fruit of development reach to the needy populace of the society. This is case study done in the context of Varanasi district to find out how far our development programs have successful in achieving the target of welfare appears that development programs have made their impact on this agrarian district but some how deviations are taking place. It appears ,social justice is being restored as due to their numerical majority, erstwhile deprived classes have been able to organise themselves in the form of pressure groups and are politically well represented.
Key word- Beneficiary. Target group. Percolating. welfare state.
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